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Vacuum Valve Cleaned Parts Sealed and Stored

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  1. The installation workshop
  2. must be clean, or a temporary clean area should be set up, such as using a newly purchased color strip or plastic film to prevent dust from entering during the installation process.
  3. The assembler is wearing clean overalls, wearing a cap, hair should not leak, wearing clean shoes, wearing plastic gloves in hand, and degreasing.
  4. Degrease and clean before assembling tools to ensure cleanliness.

Other requirements

  1. The assembled valve is purged with nitrogen for at least 1 minute.
  2. Air tightness test is using pure nitrogen.
  3. After the airtight test is passed, it is sealed and sealed with a clean polyethylene cap. The polyethylene cap should be soaked in organic solvent and wiped clean before use.
  4. Then sealed with a vacuum bag.
  5. Rear packing.

6.Take measures to ensure that the package is not damaged during transportation.

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