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Selection Principles that Should Pay Attention in Vacuum Valve Selection

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  1. There are three driving methods of vacuum valve: manual, electric and pneumatic. Which type of valve is used to consider the needs of the vacuum system.
  2. Install a gas release valve on the vacuum chamber. Depending on the amount of gas in the vacuum chamber, the length of time required to open the door of the vacuum chamber, select the type of gas release valve.
  3. The vacuum valve can be used alone, and it is arranged between the vacuum chamber and the vacuum pump or on the vacuum chamber. It is a necessary element for general vacuum systems. However, most vacuum valves are used in vacuum extraction units.
  4. Vacuum diaphragm valve, because of its simple structure, small size, light weight, and good sealing performance, is suitable for front-stage and pre-pumping pipelines and non-corrosive gases at a temperature of -25 ° C to 80 ° C.
  5. Glass vacuum piston (also known as Cork) is mostly used for vacuum measurement calibration system and glass vacuum system.


  1. To understand the general structure and principles of various types of vacuum valves.
  2. For the same type of vacuum valve, select the valve type after comparing the comprehensive factors such as structure, performance, parameters, applicable range, air leakage rate, seal material, and usage method.
  3. Ultra-high vacuum valves are commonly used in ultra-high vacuum systems.
  4. Types and basic parameters of electromagnetic vacuum valves China have industry standards.
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