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Application of Screw Vacuum Pump in Industrial Process

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Screw vacuum pumps are designed for extremely demanding industrial applications such as metallurgy and roller coating, which can ensure the stability of equipment operation and reduce the total cost of ownership.

Screw vacuum pumps do not use lubricants, which will not pollute the manufacturing process and reduce the negative impact on the environment. The processing capacity of the vacuum pump is 950 m3/h. For dusty applications, the equipment also provides a series of filtering options to supplement the isolation of the main system.

Screw vacuum pump maintenance rules

  1. The vacuum degree of the vacuum pump must not be controlled by closing the valve.
  2. Frequently check the vacuum fluctuation and pump vibration.
  3. Check whether the stuffing box is hot during operation and deal with it in time.
  4. Check if there is any noise when the pump is running. If the two-stage water ring vacuum pump finds abnormal conditions, it should be dealt with in time.
  5. Check whether the cooling water is blocked, and the water temperature should not exceed 40°C.
  6. Keep the vacuum pump installation clean, dry and well ventilated.
  7. Check whether the bolts of each part and the foundation bolts are loose. If the direct-connected vacuum pump finds looseness, deal with it in time.
  8. Packing should be compressed regularly. If the packing cannot meet the sealing requirements, it should be replaced in time.
  9. Check the rolling bearing temperature frequently during operation. The rolling bearing of the vacuum pump rotor should be well lubricated.
  10. During normal operation, the bearings are filled with oil 3 to 4 times a year, the bearings are cleaned at least once a year, and all the lubricants are replaced.
  11. Pay attention to keeping the pump body and accessories clean and tidy.
  12. After the rotary vane vacuum pump is stopped in winter, drain the water in the pump and the water tank.
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