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Application Of Metal Bellows Expansion Joint In Pipe Design

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The expansion festival is also called a compensator, and is an elastic compensation device that is mainly used to compensate for the thermal expansion of the thermal bleeding displacement (sometimes referred to as temperature due to temperature). The compensation element of the expansion joint is a bellows. During the operation, the corrugated tube is removed from the displacement (deformed), and there is often a certain working pressure. Therefore, the expansion festival is also an adapted elastic compensation device. Therefore, it is important to ensure that its safety and reliability work is important. In addition to the use of the thermal displacement compensation device, the expansion joint is often used in vibration isolation and noise reduction. There are more waveforms of the expansion joint, which is commonly used, omega-shaped, and S-shaped. Here, the design and application of the U-shaped ripple expansion joint is mainly introduced.

The structural type of the U-shaped ribbon expansion joint is more, and the different types of expansion joints are also different. The main types include single axial, single and double hinged types, duplex free type, duplex lever type, straight tube and elbow pressure balance. In order to improve the load carrying capacity of the expansion festival, the expansion joint can be designed to strengthen the ring or stabilization ring.

1) Single axial expansion joint

It consists of a bellows and structural members, mainly used to absorb axial displacement and cannot withstand the expansion joint of the bellows pressure thrust.

2) Single hinge type expansion festival

Composed of a bellows and pins, hinge plates, and stands such as structural parts such as bellows, and the expansion festival of the bellows pressure thrust.

3) Single universal hinge type expansion festival

Composed of a bellows and pins, hinge plates, universal rings and stand, can be displaced in any plane and can withstand the inflation festival of the bellows pressure thrust.

4) Duplex free expansion festival

Composed of two bellows (and control rods, or four-link) connected by the intermediate tube, mainly used to absorb the expansion joint of the axial direction and the lateral combination displacement without withstanding the pressure thrust of the bellows.

5) Duplex lever type expansion festival

The two bellows and tie rods and end plates connected by the intermediate tube can be absorbed in either direction and can withstand the expansion festival of the bellows pressure thrust.

6) Duplex hinge type expansion festival

Composed of two bellows and pins, hinge plates and stands connected by the intermediate tube, and can only absorb the unilateral directional displacement and can withstand the expansion joint of the bellows pressure thrust.

7) Duplex universal hinge type expansion joint

The two bellows and cross-pin shafts connected by the intermediate tube are composed of structural members such as the hinge plate, and the plate, which can absorb the expansion joint of the lateral displacement and can withstand the pressure thrust of the bellows.

8) Bending pressure balanced expansion joint

Composed of two working bellows and a balanced bellows and elbow or three-way, head, pulling rod, and end plates connected, mainly for absorbing axial direction and lateral combination displacement and can withstand The expansion festival of bellows hose pressure thrust.

9) Tone pressure balanced expansion joint

Composed of two working bellows located at both ends and a structural member such as a balanced bellows and tensile rods and end plates, mainly for absorbing the axial displacement and can withstand the expansion joint of the bellows pressure thrust.

10) External pressure single axial expansion joint

Composed of structural members such as bellows and outer tubes and end rings that are subjected to external pressure, only for the absorption displacement and cannot withstand the expansion joint of the bellows pressure thrust.

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