Etelux Glove Box Protection System for 3D Printing Technology
As a cutting-edge and very advanced emerging technology, 3D printing technology has a subversive significance and effect on the technological transformation of traditional manufacturing and the wide application of new materials. 3D printing technology is gradually transitioning from the three-dimensional modeling of printed objects to the internal structure of printed objects, and finally develops into the functional phase of printing objects. Currently, it is mainly used in the manufacture of single parts and the manufacture of small batch parts in the field of mechanical manufacturing. Thanks to the additive manufacturing technology, it is possible to make revolutionary innovations in product modeling and structure compared to traditional subtractive production methods. 3D printing glove box is designed for the environment required for the processing of special aerospace parts.
3D printing equipment generally adopts two kinds of powder feeding or powder forming. Etelux provides reliable design according to different customer requirements to solve the anti-interference problem of 3D printing glove box signal line and power line highly integrated into the box seal. Solve the problem of dust purification, filter replacement cycle and its life when working in 3D printing glove box. Solve the pressure control between glove box and powder feeder to send powder intake or powdering equipment lens blowing of 3D printing glove box.